Now, I'm not one of those bring Toughie-everywhere treat-my-Max-like-a-spoiled-child base-life-decisions-on-Benji dog owner. But some of the dog hating going on in my neighborhood is just plain weird. One house has a store-bought sign that reads, "No Dogs," and has a dog with a cross through it. Another neighbor has a hand-made, "No Dog Poop!," sign adorning his front yard. Both bring up multiple questions...
1. Where do you buy an anti-dog sign?
For arguments sake, let's assume this wasn't bought on the internet. Then where? A Target?

Nope, think of how many people would be pissed off. A gas station in the middle of nowhere? No, I still don't see it. Where then?
2. If you really hate poop so much, why are you going out of your way to associate your house with it?
Now, I'm assuming the "No Dog Poop" person is upset about the aesthetics of dog waste on their lawn. Alright, but do you really want everyone who comes over or walks by your abode to think of dog poop as they look at your house?
3. How much poop, really?
Okay, now I can see that if my lawn was littered w/ dog feces, then I too would get upset (but to go to my workshop and construct a sign?). But is this actually a problem? I have multiple people walk dogs by my house on the way to a coffee shop and I would say in 5 years I've had dog poop left on my lawn.... Once? Twice? I just don't believe that this is happening all that much (But you wonder, do they get sort-of excited when it does? Like, this is total justification for their anger?).
4. What are they really mad about?
I think in both cases, there really is something more to this. Like maybe society's intrusion in their life? Bad childhood connections? Boss treating them like shit? Any ideas?
Labels: Life