Sunday, February 25, 2007

Thoughts on the Oscars

1. Departed was not the best movie the year. But I was still happy for Scorsese

2. I hate that the producers give the last speech. It's so anti-climatic. Like the producer of The Departed had more to do with it than an acclaimed director, a storied cast, and the screenplay writer.

3. Forest Whitaker's win follows a pattern I discovered before. 64% of the black best actor nominees have been based on real people versus only 19% of whites.

4. 3 themes for the night

a. Lesbians: Not a bad job Ellen, and Melissa Etheridge? You go girls!

b. Al Gore: Take that Dubya

c. Mexican Directors: Didn't win a whole lot, but Pan's Labyrinth, Children of Men, and Babel had mucho nominationes



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate Ellen. I'm okay with Ethridge winning and all, and I do think it's cool that he having a wife and kissing her on screen is not the big talk of the town. Well, I'm sure it is on some channels... But Ellen... I guess she wasn't that bad, but she just isn't funny. I think I might actually be funnier.
And Gore? I'm happy for him, but I can't get into the idea that he is somehow inspiring. I think it's great that he's doing what he believes in and getting recognition for it, but he doesn't inspire me.
Frankly, the Oscars suck. I watch them every year, but I really am considering never doing so again. I hate all the self-congratulation. Moreover, all this idealism from multimillionairs who don't give half their salaries to their causes is annoying. And fuck the producers giving that last speech. Great call Chuck. Seeing that guy almost cry finalized my overall opinion on this year's Oscars... they sucked. Go Forrest!

6:24 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here, here. I was completely underwhelmed by the Oscars this year. Even the dresses were boring! The Departed? In what universe is that the best movie of the year? I guess I should have known, this is the academy who gave Million Dollar Bozo and Forrest Chump the Best Picture award.

Not sure why I keep watching the damn thing...maybe I'll learn next year.

7:43 am  
Blogger 5 of 9er said...

I was so happy for Forest Whitaker... he was really winning for his performance in Ghost Dog.

12:58 pm  

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