That's All Folks

Discussing movies, music, current events, and your little dog too.
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Labels: history, overthrows
Shawon Dunston (maybe doesn't belong, but I always just thought he had a very fun name to say)
And for a much funnier list of dirty sports names feel free to click below.
Labels: Sports
Labels: history, overthrows
Labels: Current Events
Labels: Life
15. The Extra 4 Digits of a Zip Code
I mean, is this really necessary? My letters seem to get to places just fine w/ the standard 5 number zip codes. Is my mailman going to be confused by the multiple 212 Pine Streets in area code 97214? And, if they're going to add more numbers for specificity, do they need 10,000 more possibilities?
OK, this is not actually a pet peeve, b/c this is the 1st time it's happened to me. But it's kind of weird. Yesterday, I'm setting up my room and I notice a bunch of hornets crawling around the window. I get closer + discover they're on the inside of it. Then I look up and see there's 20 more spread across the ceiling. Kind of disconcerting... Anyway, I get to have an exterminator visit my classroom today. How exciting!
Labels: Life
Labels: Food
Labels: Current Events, overthrows
1. Cooking Staples
I did alright finding some cooking staples. I started off well, with a big coup being my discovery of the website epicurious (not as exciting as it sounds). As long as I went to the popular section, I found fast and good recipes. Still, my cooking majorly lagged w/ grandma and uncle in town and then when my class started and things went into high gear for the approaching baby. At least I found the website though- that is going nowhere.
2. Car Registration
As you all know, I successfully reregistered my car. Who' the man? Now if I could just get my teacher's license redone before September 8th...
3. Take A Class
Successfully completed Modern Middle East History. Definitely liked it, but certainly a lot more work than when I take a teacher class.
Okay, so after all that talk about edging, I think I did it twice. Which is fine.
5. Putting Together the Basketball Hoop
6. Find Where the Moths Are Coming From
Well, the moths finally reached a tipping point where more than just 1 or 2 were flying out of the pantry. Wife and I throughout much and I cleaned + vacuumed the pantry. The moths are pretty much gone. One weird thing though, some were living even in closed jars. WTF?
7. Avoid Rush Hour
I did a very good job w/ this. No reason to mix in with all you working folks on the road. Until Monday that is...
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Labels: Technology
Labels: history, overthrows
Labels: Music
Labels: portland
Labels: Life
Labels: Technology
Labels: Life, Random Rankings
Labels: history, overthrows
Labels: Life
Labels: Sports
Labels: Life
Labels: history, overthrows
Labels: Music