Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Fashion Issue #4

Does Camo Ever Go Out of Style?

Have you ever noticed, that even if camoflague is never like the #1 stylish thing to do, it never fully goes extinct? I have to admit, I've had a bit of a camo bias, since in fourth grade Jason Mulack (our leader) made Tuesdays and Fridays Camo Day, and all of us made sure to attend school fully fatigued (I'm sure the fact that First Blood had come out earlier that year had nothing to do with it). And yes, we had all sorts of camo gear, the pants, a survival knife, and Jason even had a shirt that read "Marines don't die, they just go to hell and regroup." I even remember us picking the green plastic spoon at lunch instead of the white ones, b/c of the green one's latent armyness.
So yes, I am very pleased that camo's still around. And even admire its reinventions, like the underwater camo option. And it really fits camo's personality that it would endure and last so long. The question is why in the world would it ever be remotely fashionable? I mean its army green mixed with green mixed with brown. Not exactly your most aestheitic ensemble. But yet it lives on and on and...



Blogger Michael5000 said...

You know, now that you mention it I can't remember ever seeing Mrs. ChuckDaddy sporting camo. Is that a pretty big disappointment to you?

10:58 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Christmas is coming up.

1:08 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shit, tomorrow's Tuesday! Camo Day is upon us and me without fatigues . . .

8:09 pm  
Blogger chuckdaddy2000 said...

Fuck! I forgot too. I guess I'll have to make it up by wearing my camo pants, with my fishing camo jacket, and a hat that has ear flaps on Friday.

7:56 am  

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