Sunday, November 19, 2006

Cities of the Decade

Kind of a fun game to play is to try to think of what city best captures a particular decade. Some are pretty easy. 1920's would definitely go to Al Capone's Chicago, 1960's to the flower children of San Francsisco, and the 1980's to surfacey LA. Others take a little to figure out, but then make perfect sense. Like Seattle for the 1990's (Microsoft, Starbucks, and Grunge).

Others are trickier. The first things that came to my wife's mind for the 50's was the beat generation and atomic testing. I, on the otherhand, thought of a Leave it Beaverish Midwest city. And I have no idea for the 30's 40's or 70's. This decade is also pretty tricky. Perhaps we need some distance (and for it to finish). My only thought was that the defining parts of the 00's would likely be 9/11, the subsequent Middle East campaigns, and Bush's horrible presidency. If you focus on the last item and add in the of late focus on political curruption, could this decade be DC's? Not sure...

1920's = Chicago
1930's = Gary
1940's = Detroit
1950's = Cleveland
1960's = San Francisco
1970's = New York
1980's = LA
1990's = Seattle
2000's =Las Vegas



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the 30's or 40's could go to NY. I think we've run out of cities worthy of note...

8:03 pm  
Blogger chuckdaddy2000 said...

Why NY for those?

11:42 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe NY in the 1970's for the CBGB's punk scene and John Travolta's character in Saturday Night Beaver, I mean Fevor.

3:03 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Lord I've spelled fever wrong! All this turkey and wine has gone to my head. Forgive me.

3:05 pm  
Blogger chuckdaddy2000 said...

I like NY for the 70's. For the 30's I'm thinking some city totally hard hit by the Depression. Like, when did Gary start going downhill? I would love to have Gary represented somehow.

4:13 pm  
Blogger darci ann said...

Maybe I've just watched Casino too many times, but I wonder were we could put Las Vegas in - if at all... Sadly, I have no good suggestions for the others, including all the ones I've been alive. Boston had a couple good years it seemed, but nothing to take a decade.

12:07 am  
Blogger chuckdaddy2000 said...

Hmmm Vegas... What about now? It's been expanding rapidly and fits with our decade's obsession with lame celebrities and bad pop music. Also, I read recently that they're putting on Broadway plays there, but are shortening them for the Vegas attention span. A tacky ADHD overgrown gambling mecca? The 2000's baby...

8:25 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was thinking the 30's and 40's because of all of the cocktails...Auntie Mame and Sam Spade (or was he from SF??)

1:30 pm  
Blogger darci ann said...

This game is hard. The 40's were all about WWII and Pearl Harbor right? But it was the fire of the "baby boom" - so maybe for the 40's --> the bedroom?

I suck at this.

7:45 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

40's should be detroit! rise of automobile - military/industrial complex with wwii and factories, plus union power!

8:22 pm  
Blogger chuckdaddy2000 said...

Thank you big sis! The chart is now complete.

5:33 pm  

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