Friday, March 10, 2006

The Fashion Issue

Now, this might surprise some of my fans, but the chuckdaddy, for all of his hipness, is not exactly known for his fashion sense. Now, if the fashion world would just stop at rumpled button downs and khakis I'd be doing just fine. But it always has to change at some point. And there are two new styles my eye has spotted that I am not happy with.

1. Tighter clothes for guys
Alright, you could say fair is fair. As girls clothes continue to disappear, I guess the least we guys could do rein in our sagginess. But did we have to? Not that I was ever rocking the "my entire butt is hanging out of my jeans look", but I appreciated that the general direction was towards the loose. But not anymore. Lady Lumps the other day bought me a pair of jeans that I've been endlessly complimented about (more like in-shock compliments - "did you buy those?") that are totally tight around the chuckbilly. Guys. Come on now. Haven't we always prided ourselves on fashion trends that benefit us?

2. No Front Pockets On Button-Down Shirts
Look, it's not like I'm missing a place to put a pocket-protector, but that little depository came in handy (for the cell phone while driving, putting random pieces of paper, good for Napoleon imitations). And I'd gotten used to it. So now I find myself trying to stick things in there in vain and being blocked by its nothingness like an idiot. And what harm did it ever do? I don't want 8 pockets, I just want two. Would you even notices if it's there? Well I definitely notice it being gone.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I couldn't agree with you more on the pockets issue! One of the reasons (other than the fact that they look so dorky) that I can't wear golf shirts is b/c they don't have a pocket. Where do the pens go when you're at work? In the front pocket? Hell no, especially not if the jeans are constricting the Chuckbilly! We're talking mechnical pencil point right in the 'Billy BABY!!! Can't they slap just one pocket on there? They can make it small and all hip lookin'....

Now, back to the 'Billy. I don't know what to tell you on the jeans babe - I don't want to get all Brokeback on yer ass, but maybe I have to check dis sheezat out on you before I make my judgement call. Are you stuffing them with a cucumber like the guy in Spinal Tap? That would be hot, a la Hilton...

8:54 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One is reminded of the Morris Day's advice in this matter:

"To all the fellas out there, get out of them blue jeans and get you some baggies. Like I say, always stay at the hotel with the biggest ballroom."

2:02 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also, I like breast pockets, because it makes me feel mature and sophisticated to say "breast" and not snicker.

1:21 pm  

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