Sunday, April 09, 2006

Unnecessary Buttons

So I'm doing some Sunday afternoon vacuuming and midway through the first room I realize I had accidentally turned off the "Super" button. Now, without this button pushed, the vacuum cleaner is very unsuper. So unsuper, in fact, that it literally does not suck. Is there a reason anyone would ever want their vacuum to not suck?

This reminded me of my ultimate nemesis, the "caps lock" key. Now, maybe my readers are more dexterious typers than I of the two-fingers school, but am I the only one who on occassion presses the "caps lock" key by mistake and am faced with a 1/2 page of capital letters? Does anyone actually ever use this option? Oh, I really want to make this e-mail seem angry. YAY FOR CAPS LOCK!!! If you have to have it, can't they stick it somewhere less ubiquitous than right next to the "A" key?

And on my car, I have this button right next to the defroster that is called "trac" that I can turn on and off. When I bought my car, I was told this was to increase traction. Now, when wouldn't I want good traction? And what the fuck does this little button have to do with my tires? Sometimes when I'm feeling a little crazy, I'll turn it off and wave my hands in the air and feel really wild. Yeah, all caution thrown to the wind, but I don't give a damn because I am a rebel mad with my tractionless tires.

But usually I just wish my vacumm cleaner sucked, I controlled my capitals, and my car always had good traction.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've noticed this: If a boom box has a button for "Mega Bass" or some such horseshit, you can push that button and the music will sound normal, i.e. it will have a bass line. Or, you can turn it off, and it will sound like your transistor radio in 1973. So, what that button really is, is the "Sound Like Shit" button.

10:13 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know Chuckdaddy, maybe it was my impressionable mind watching too many episodes of Speed Racer and James Bond films, but there's something about a surfeit of useless buttons that kinda gets my motor running. More buttons equals more gizmos and more options.
I guess that's why I don't have a white MP3 player like everyone else I know - I like the fact that I can record about a day's worth of sound, even though I've never used that option (as well as the viewing picture option). Yet, it floats my boat.
But you've got to admit that having a button on a remote control that actually MOVES your tv is pretty frickin RAD! OK, it's ridiculous actually, but there's something to that as well....

1:03 pm  
Blogger darci ann said...

holy crap, this post still makes me so happy.

12:52 am  

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