Saturday, April 08, 2006

Genetically Modified Dragons

Now, I generally like to think of myself as an anti-GM no cloning all-natural additives type of guy. But a genetically modified dragon? Now that is pretty cool.

Dr. Fril (no relation to Dr. Phil), is attempting to create various mythological creatures (like dragons, gryphons, unicorns, etc.) so that he can sell them as exotic pets. And how is he going to do this? Well, it seems he starts with a similar animal's genome (a lizard for a dragon) and does rapid-fire evolution via computer. This is accomplished with mutations and by picking the resulting genomes that are most going in the dragon direction. Since a computer can do these simulations quickly, it is possible to create the evolutionary path that would result in a dragon. After which, he inserts the DNA into a nucleusless cell. And hopefully, viola dragon!

Kind of crazy and doesn't sound too much out of the realm of possibility in our post-cloning world. On the cynical side though, this is Dr. Fril's second jaunt into the pet world. His first attempt was to create a Real Goldfish. That is, a goldfish with actual gold in its skin cells. He succeeded, sort of. He created a gold Goldfish, but the fish was so heavy it just sank to the bottom of the tank; showing Dr. Fril has more skills than foresight. And what scary ramifications might he be creating this time? Hard to know, but it all sounds very Pet Sematary to me. Still, don't be too surprised if in 10 years, daughters around the country are begging their parents for a unicorn.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Throwing out the Napolean Dynomite reference you all are thinking...

Does this mean you can get a Liger?

8:38 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of unicorns....members from the now defunct unicorns have a new album out under the band "the islands." I've heard a bit of it and I like what I hear.

4:35 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you were taken in by the Economist April Fool's joke?

6:32 pm  

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