Thursday, March 30, 2006

Bands Who I Don't Get

Now, the following list isn't bands I think are bad. It's a list of bands that other people rave about and I just can't get into. I might end up liking them at some point. For instance, in college I would have put Tom Waits in this category, but now I love him. I think there is some play between hype and expectations here. I couldn't see what the big deal was about Tom Waits and even began to hate him a bit to spite his worshipful fans. But then one day I unsuspectingly heard Early Years and now have jumped permanantly on his bandwagon. Then there's bands I didn't get at the time, but as time passed they seemed to lose the du jour status. Making me feel like history vindicated my opinion. Like Rush, I couldn't see why all my guitar-playing friends liked them so much in high school. But when was the last time anyone even mentioned Rush?

So, without further ado, a list of musicians/bands who I don't get

Neil Young: Am I the only one ever who liked CSN better than their Y?

Flaming Lips: I want to like this band. I really do. I'm hoping to one day get them.

Yes: That video still haunts me, but never really liked their other stuff. History may have vindicated me on them as well.

Radiohead: Dangerous to list them since I haven't properly listened to them. But in my limited attempts, I just feel like this is a good band who seems to think they are way more important than they are.

Santana: Will he ever go away?

Crash Test Dummies: Since when did these guys become the indie superstars of yesteryear?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hear hear, ChuckDaddy. I'm with you in on all six. Especially the Flaming Lips. That whole Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots thing freaks me out. It's so bad it's kind of mesmerizing. What the hell were they thinking?

9:04 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a strange list of bands/musicians. Crash Test Dumbies? I thought I was the only one who didn't get Neil Young.

On the topic of Tom Waits, is anything but "The Early Years" worth listening to?

2:02 pm  
Blogger chuckdaddy2000 said...

Michael: Yeah, I think people might give the Flaming Lips extra points for being "experimental" and their main guys seems very likable.

EMHO: Was joking about the Crash Test Dummies. Although, just by writing their name the "UM UM UM UM' song gets stuck in my head.

6:19 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doods. Totally agree on the Flaming Lips. Not quite with you on Radiohead - OK Computer and The Bends remain legendary albums. Were it not for Kid A, they'd still be regarded as the world's top band.

Add Monotonous Mouse to the list. I get shooting pains in my stomach just thinking about 'em

11:35 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't get Creed. WTF? And, I REALLY, don't get Rush. The only people I've ever met who loved Rush were engineers. It was as if they were some kind of nerd band. And, as much as I loved their music, R.E.M.'s stuff always seemed like they were torturing their pet cats.

On the other hand, musicians that I adore that no one else my age gets include: Justin Timberlake and Christina Aguilera.

3:50 pm  
Blogger chuckdaddy2000 said...

Rush always seemed so ridiculous to me. I think it's the singer's voice, I mean, no one else in the band could sing any better? People always defended Rush to me by there talent. "He plays the drums and sings!" Doesn't mean he needs to warble in falsetto...

9:23 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Musical guilty pleasure: Justin Timberlake--Rock your body.

We are all human.

5:34 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I must most vehemently disagree with you on your assessment of the Flaming Lips. I think Mr. Vaughn would agree with me on this point - The Soft Bulletin is one of the best albums of the '00's. Now, you may be right about Yoshimi, but you really need to go back and listen to the 'Bulletin some more.

Some of your jabs seemed like obvious targets - I mean, who readily admits to liking Rush these days? However, we're in the same opinion when it comes to Radiohead. Why the gushing adulation? They're like, a few steps above Bush (the Brit band, not our dumb pres - I'm not dissing them THAT much).

How about these:
1) Oasis - If it weren't for the 2nd rate Beatles vibe, you'd hate them just for the Gallagher bro's alone

2) The Cure - A band for those who wanted to be 'alternative' but didn't look very far to get there

3) The Pixies - SO over-rated!!!! See comment about the Cure. Maybe if Kim had sang all the songs and Frank Black dropped out of the band after their 1st album....

4) Jane's Addiction - Ritual De Lo Rehash-ero....

9:25 pm  
Blogger chuckdaddy2000 said...

I'm with you on The Cure and Oasis. Though I do have to give The Cure some credit. Not too many bands can claim to have created an entire genre of teenager (they might share that title with The Grateful Dead).

I can kind of see what you mean about Jane's Addiction, they probably are overrated, but I still think they're great.

But the Pixies. The Pixies!!! Don't you go dissing on the Pixies homie!

10:32 am  

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