Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Tiolet Love

For those of you who like love stories, here's one to warm your heart. The odds against Spencer and Kim seemed insurmountable. They were separated not only by floors (he was on the 7th, she the 8th), but by a strict Multnomah Prison policy that males and females were not to congregate. But that didn't stop them.

It seems that sound travels through the pipes, and if a prisoner dishes out the water, their toilet can make for a sort of telephone. Spencer called through there one night and found himself talking to Kim. They may have originally been connected by the random configuration of their sewer system, but soon they were connected by much more. They talked all the time, and at times it got so heated that Spencer would need to remind her, "Whoa, hold on, I've got a cellie in here with me."

Upon release, they moved in together. Unfortunately, it only lasted 10 months (Spencer surmised: "She had a lot of baggage"), but it still just goes to show that often times you find love in the nastiest places.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice try using psuedonyms..

3:53 pm  

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