Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Loose Women = Big Balls = Small Brains

at least in bats...

I'm not exactly sure why, but Scott Pitnik of Syracuse University decided to look at the relationship between female promiscuity, testicle size, and brain size. The first two variables had already been studied in primates and a correlation had been discovered. For example, the virtuous and chaste female gorillas have small-balled males, while the slutty female chimps have large testied men (humans landed in the middle of these two).

This was also found to be true in bats (with the extreme of the African yellow-winged bats' balls taking up 8.4% of their body weight). But the scientists went one step further, hypothesizing that there would could be a trade-off between testes and brain tissue, since bats are very compact fellows. This also turned out to be true. So in the end it appears, evolutionarily speaking, when forced to choose, that balls trump brains.


Blogger chuckdaddy2000 said...

The article wasn't specific on to what extreme we were closest too, but I'd guess they meant medium promiscuious and medium balls. Which sort of surprised me both ways. In one way, I expected human to be the most chaste due to our invention of religion and our "civilized" ways. On the other hand, I expected us to have the most partners. I think this somehow defuses a religious right argument, but I'm not sure quite what.

9:05 am  

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