Sunday, November 20, 2005

Iron Cage Match #6

Phoenix versus Las Vegas

Alright, I think this will be the last Iron Cage Match for a while, but one question still remains that needs to be addressed (besides the eternal Sammy Hagar versus David Lee Roth quandry): of these 2 air-conditioner reliant, driving based, sprawling Southwest metropolises, which one is better?

This is a harder question for me to answer than others might think. Yes, I do have an affinity for gambling and I do find the adult-epcot center camp of Las Vegas funny, but that's in 2 to 3 day shots. The idea of living in Las Vegas creeps the fuck out of me. I have no doubt that the utter obnoxiousness of the strip would wear on me and cease to be funny faster than I could say, "Split the 8's please". Of course, Las Vegas isn't just the strip - it's actually much worse. I was there 2 years ago and tried to go fo a walk. You know, get away from the gambling and take a stroll. An hour later, I had made it about 1 square block and felt completely worn down by the combination of heat, dust, sub divisions, and, well, nothing. Can you say Urban Planning Needed?

Phoenix is no better though. With no downtown or even the resemblance of a personality, Phoenix is that bland blonde girl who doesn't smile much. Phoenix is for people who think weather is the end all be all (and as a Portlander, I hope to god it isn't). If you're 60 and like to golf or an asthmatic who is fascintated by cassette tapes melting on your dashboard, Phoenix is the place for you. For everyone else...

In the end I hope to never live in either. But if I had to choose, I think I would have to take the trashy blonde who at least has some personality. Oh yah, and the Hoover Dam is near. Las Vegas definitely!!!


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