Thursday, December 15, 2005


Am I the only who thinks the 2-point safety is pretty cool? I think it's partly because they're so rare, but it's also because there's something so daring about trying to take someone down in enemy territory. I think it gives me flashbacks to Capture The Flag. So it really annoys me that they're worth so little. 2 points? For something that is only accomplished a few times a year? Their only purpose seems to help explain why a score is so weird (16-3? 4 field goals and no.... 2 field goals a touchdown w/0 an extra point and no... Oh maybe it was 2 touchdowns and safety!). And it shows just how piddling they are when teams purposely get a safety so they can put the other team in bad field position. That's just mocking the whole concept of safety. I think safeties should at least be equal to a touchdown, if not more. Or maybe make it 5 since football seems obsessed with differentiating each score. Either way, let's give the safey the respect it has long deserved!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the safety! There's nothing like a football score of 5 to 2!

10:55 pm  

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