Friday, July 22, 2005

The Life and Times of My Illegal Alien Dog Jack Part 2: The Transformation

Part 1

So Jack had made it. He had escaped a life of begging for food and fending himself off from disease and bigger meaner strays and was now welcomed into the freedom of glorious Oregon. Well not exactly glorious. Jack arrived in early January and his very first walk occurred after a recent ice storm. Jack was not exactly fit for our weather and shivered the whole time. Marsha attempted to solve the problem by getting him a Freddy Krueger-like sweater (but in green) which I found greatly embarrassing. Jack had some other things to get used to. He had some major issues with grass for about the first month he was here. He would literally jump over any patch that got in his way.

The biggest change in Jack was his looks. He went from being a scrawny, rat-tailed, mangy mutt to a healthy, curly-haired mutt. Also, upon taking him to the vet, we discovered he wasn't a puppy, but a full grown 3-year old dog. Muy interasante! I don't mean to gush, but Jack has become quite a looker. I was reminded of this change by a conversation I had with my mom. My parents were coming to town and I was telling her how cute Jack had become. She kept on responding with, "Uh huh. Oh yah sure. Anyway..." And I kept on going, "No no, really. He's the talk of the dog park." And my mom continued trying to change the subject, acting like I was just a crazed deluded parent. But when they saw him, they were awestruck at the handsome devil he'd turned into.

I think my favorite thing about Jack is how he acts at the dog park. He's a small dog, a terrier mutt of many kinds, and he prances when he runs. Nevertheless, his terrier and stray dog roots make him totally ferocious. A common scene at the dog park is little Jack daintily growling and chasing around dogs twice his size. It totally cracks people up.

Anyway, I can't seem to figure out how to get a picture from my phone to the computer, so I will leave you with a picture of a dog that looks like Jack, but is not, unfortunately, the real thing. Well that's it for now. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Thanks to everyone who has checked this here blog out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pimpin' Chuckdaddy. By the way, for all who are interested

BYM Black young Mutt, No balls, 3 seeking YWB (young white bitch) must be HWP and into runs along the beach, no smoking preferred.

12:57 pm  

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