Thursday, July 21, 2005

Diaperless Babies

You haven't heard? No. Oh My God. You are so out of it.

Well anyone who is anyone must have heard of the hottest new trend- diaperless babies. In Monday's Oregonian they wrote a great article about a growing group of people with a new (old) way of dealing with their children's excrement. Instead of having their babies saute in their own feces, they hold their babies over potties whenever it is time to go. How do they know when they're going to go, you might be wondering. Well, practitioners of this style pick times in the day when the baby is most likely (like after a nap) and read their facial expressions. But aren't there still some accidents, the incredulous out there are probably asking. Yes, but way fewer than you would think.

The devoted almost seem cultish, but they make some good points. It's cheap and uber-environmentalist (no plastic diapers AND no excessive detergents). This is how millions of babies in Africa and Asia are raised, not to mention our babies pre-fifties. And isn't it a little strange to have a child just expel their waste whenever they want? The anti-diaper crew claim that their babies are potty trained between 6 months and a year. Now what about that?

I ran this fabulous idea by Marsha when she got home from work. You see, Marsha is the ultimate in international multi-culturalness, being a social worker for a refugee center and all(shout out to Irco!). I brought up that this would be a very progressive way for us to raise our hypothetical baby. Oddly, Marsha looked at me like I was crazy and wouldn't even entertain my multitude of arguments.

I can't believe she is being so backward! Doesn't she want to keep up with the future? I realize the Chuckdaddy Xpress is often a few stations ahead of the masses, but she can still jump on and enjoy the ride. Freud would be so into this! Come on people, we need to rise up. The revolution is coming and the revolution does not wear diapers!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Charsha were real environmentalists they would not use diapers - they'd collect their babies doo-doo, and use it to make biodiesel... and put a sticker on their car saying so like every other true-blue Portlander....

5:20 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reason #1 not to have children: Poop schedule obsession.

7:40 pm  

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