Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Chicks Dig Dominant BO

Who would've thunk?

Some scientists (who must be a bunch of freaks!) decided to research whether women are more attracted to the smell of a dominant man. Previous studies had already found that women like an attractive man's smell and that other animals prefer a dominant's smell (the smell was always introduced independent of the subjects).

The way they went about the study was interesting. They first defined a man's level of dominance by having subjects rate themselves on questions like how often they correct others, how much they control conversations, how motivated are they to accomplish more than others... Next, they had the guys wear cotton pads under their armpits for 24 hours while they refrained from beer, cigarettes, and curries (women love the smell of the curry man). They collected the cotton swabs and let the women subjects sniff away.

What they found was that some women were more attracted to dominant man. But, they're had to be two key variables. First, the women needed to be in a relationship. AND, the women needed to be at a fertile stage of her cycle. What does this all mean? Maybe, since dominant men are more likely to leave, women want the dominant man to father their child, but the less dominant man to raise their child. So the ideal evolutionary situation, is for a women to wait until they are in a committed relationship, have an affair with a dominant man, have a child with his dominant genes, then have the less dominant guy think he's the father.

Just like a woman...


Blogger chuckdaddy2000 said...

Wow - petro-diddy, you have outdone yourself again.

Of course, just because someone "studied" something we should not assume it is fact. Neither, though, should we assume it's false or dismiss it entirely. Just witnessing my dog (shout out to Jack!)sniff everything he walks by reminds me that mammals are pretty into scents. Questions like: how much are we still affected by smell and, yes, why do different personalities have different smells are interesting things to explore. And if you want a real-life angle, I'm sure the cologne companies wouldn't mind discovering the smell of attractiveness or power.

12:12 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love smelly men. Shout out to Ferrigno.

Um not all CDE's friends are terrible bloggers. I have a space (so uncool as Kazuyo would say), but have you made one comment. I don't think so.

9:28 pm  

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