Wednesday, January 03, 2007

CDX Awards 2006

So the New Year has officially begun (or so it feels as I sit at my desk emotionally preparing for the transition from utter nothingness to Middle School chaos). But on the advice of EMHO, I wanted to give out some awards!

Most Versatile Commenter: Miguelito Frigolito, unless it's about sports of course

Most Likely to Comment on an Atlanta Hawks Blog: The Fabulous Craigeoke!

Most Likely to Comment on a Basketball Blog Not About The Atlanta Hawks:

Only Male Atheist on Planet to start both a Quilting and Bible Blog: None other than Michael5000

Most Supportive of the Blogging Enterprise: EMHO

Most Consistently Pleasant: My virtual friend Darci Ann

Most Randomly Connected: Dr. Ken, 5 of 9er, and Recken Roll. Are you guys virtual friends of virtual friends? Or virtual friends of virtual friends of virtual friends???

Most Likely To Instigate an Argument: Let's here it for Petrovich and Hipster! Always welcome controversey stirrers!

Most Likely to Read and Not Comment: ERCBO, I know you're out there

Most Likely Not to Read Even if I Set it as Her Default Screen on Her Computer: Mrs. Chuckdaddy (Although she did add in a very interesting comment on the Merry Holidays entry)

Thanks for visiting everybody, and let's get this year going.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am I an athiest? Wow, I've wondered about that. Kind of a shocker to find out this way.

In any event, I'm very deeply honored to win a Chucky, even if it was in a category where the competition wasn't very stiff.


8:45 am  
Blogger 5 of 9er said...

The connection of all things in the universe is the same thing... the Cherry Ride.

9:27 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So what, now I'm controversial AND boring?

Remember: "When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him."

9:41 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michael5000's award is a lot more presitigous than mine. I demand a recount.

4:15 pm  
Blogger chuckdaddy2000 said...

Michael5000 - The atheist moniker was a guess. College professor + Liberal + Highly Logical = Atheist Heathen

5 of 9er - The Cherry Ride. Is that where it all begins? Huh. It's all starting to make sense...

Hipster - I never said you were boring. I just said that people who say their favorite movie is Shawshank Redemption are boring. You made that next jump. Feel free at any time to pick a new favorite movie and be freed from the confines of boringdom.

EMHO - And the recount is in. Still 1-0, sorry...

5:07 pm  
Blogger Dr. Kenneth Noisewater said...

Chuck: I too came from Cherry's crew. He brings everyone together like Chuck Wulery. How in the hell do you spell that guy's name? This thing doesn't spell check game show hosts . . .

8:58 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to that the Dadster for this wonderful honor. I'll try and start some more arguments soon.

7:50 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks CDY. Are you going to have any more themes going this year for the CDX?

2:53 pm  
Blogger ReckenRoll said...

Well consider me virtually flattered. The CherryRide makes for good connections.

3:21 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For the record, I am no longer acknowledging the existence of the Atlanta Hawks, Braves or Falcons this year. Go Thrashers?

And I would like to ammend my 2006 music rankings, clearly Peter, Bjorn, and John's "Writer's Block" was easily the best record last year.

12:17 pm  

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