Monday, June 26, 2006

Recipes: A to Z

So, as most of all you already know, I am a teacher. And as such, have vacation time that you can only dream of. Yes, after a year where I've already had a x-mas and spring break, I get another 10 weeks off. Read it and weep.

But alas, all this free time isn't always so easy. Yes, I know, "Fuck you," you all are thinking. And you have every right to do so. But there is something patently weird about working 50+ hours a week for most of the year, in a job where you are always on, and then be given a ridiculous amount of free time. Perhaps it would be different if I was into home repairs.

I did pledge that this summer I would be more structured with my time. But I'm in a bit of a limbo because I'm applying for high school social studies' jobs. If I am to get one, my uninhibited summer will be replaced with preparations for 5 new preps. But if not, I have very little job-related anything to do.

But I have added one component to my summer to help give me direction. My lone responibilty in summers past was being the house husband. Now, this is a fairly easy job when you have no kids and are not allowed to clean the bathroom. But I did keep up with the meals and dishes every night. I was happy to help out in this way, but I also am someone with few tastebuds and fewer opinions on food. I never knew what we should have. So this summer I have decided to go international. I discovered this web site called culture grams, where you can get a recipe for every country in the world. And I am going to start at A and just go from there. Thus far we've eaten Afghani and Albanian food. This week Algerian, American Samoa, and Antigua (the Carribbean Island that has St. John on it) are scheduled. I'll start to tomorrow with updates. Just 190 meals 'till Zimbabwe!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


3:22 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Albanian dinner was very exotic and delicious. Maybe you will inspire other non-cooking SO's to take up the spatula...

5:10 pm  

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