Thursday, June 29, 2006

Iron Cage Match #13

Hammocks versus
The Chase Lounge

Now, I know everyone loves a hammock. But I think you need to ask yourself, do you actually love lying in hammocks? Or is that you love the idea of a hammock, what a hammock represents?

I too, before owning one, could have waxed poetically about reading in a hammock on a sunny day as being the pinnacle of relaxation. But, you know, maybe I'm just balancedly-challenged, but I found my hammock a little stressful. First, you have to get on by landing somehow in the middle, and then while lying, you are constantly in danger of having the entire thing flipping around and dropping you on your face. Now, that never happened to me, but it could have.

On the other hand, The Chase Lounge has all the relaxing aspects of a hammock (one can read on it, it's outside, you're lying down), but with a much more sound structural base. Additionally, you can move it around easier, you are lower to the ground + thus closer to your drink, and it won't rot + fall apart if you leave it out in the rain (oops). All in all, I think The Chase Lounge kicks the much overhyped hammock's ass.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's CHAISE lounge.

1:20 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Keep with the hammock. You'll learn to love it, I promise.

2. Chaise, chase, shaze, who cares. It's not aboot spelling.

3. Revive your movies report card post! That was an interesting discussion, but alas I didn't see until now. You know I would have thoughtfully explained why you all are off your rockers. For instance, I too liked Match Point. But an "A"? Come on admit it, you were silently rooting for it to be great. It was only good. Oh, and I agree on Scarlett Johansen...

7:10 pm  
Blogger chuckdaddy2000 said...

I'd still hold with an "A". Great dialogue, tense, a little bit evil, great final twist... Really, other than the weird ping-pong scene I'd argue it was perfect.

On another note hipster, I was on IMDB the other day and found a listing of the top-ranked movies by users. Guess which came in #2 between Godfather and Godfather 2? Yes, that's right, Shawshank. This phenomenon is very strange to me. If it was an overrated comedy (Forest Gump) or dumb epic romance (Titanic) I could at least insult the tastes. But Shawshank was so utterly above-average. Maybe I need to see it again.

2:47 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, IMDB is a decent litmus test for whether or not movies are over-hyped or inappropriately gushed over. 202k people have voted on it, which I'm pretty sure includes a good mix of users (indie film sophisticates, culturally-stunted midwesterners, normal people). Even film snobs have to shrug and admit it's good.

And go ahead and turn on TNT any Saturday and you're likely to find a Shawshank or American President marathon.

4:30 pm  

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