Monday, August 21, 2006

Puerta Plata

Home sweet home. Survived the all-inclusive body and mind intact. Not a whole lot to report since all we mostly did was read by a pool. But here are some highlights...

1. Eating: Being a big a fan of the Old Country Buffet, I greatly enjoyed having most of my meals buffet style. They also had restaurants you could go to and although the food was nothing special, when you were done, you could just get up and leave. No, waiter waiter, check please, thanks, check arrives, perfunctory look, waiter waiter, takes bill, returns bill, sign bill, leave. You can just get up and go.
2. Nacho Bar: The Mexican restaurant had a self-serve nacho bar, which was fantastic and will hopefully spread northwest.
3. Themed Pools: No pool was quite the same. There was the solemn spa pool, the activity pool, the (ooh la la) topless pool, the pool that had a juice bar instead of a real bar... All subtle differences that no one seemed to follow, but it added a little bit of variety to the lazy life. I was thinking though that they should go a bit farther and combine more things. Like instead of having the disco inside, why not a disco pool? Or instead of a juice bar next to the pool, how about a juice pool, where you swim through fresh tropical juices?
4. The Magic Show: I'm not being ironic here, we (and the kids) were highly impressed. Lots of animals were involved (in a magic way, not a kinky way).
5. Thatched Hut Beach Bar: Sort of a Caribbean cliche I guess, but a good one.

Not So Highlights
1. Free Beer: A good thing, but did not meet my expectations. For one thing, they aren't idiots, so the beer is served in smallish plastic cups. Considering the local brew has an alcohol content that would make The Mormons proud, it was virtually impossible to get drunk. Many people tried, mind you, with first call seemingly at 8am. But I've never been a big day drinker. In the end not all I had cracked it up to be.
2. Braided Hair: Wife caught Caribbean Fever and got the braids done! Tres tacky!!!
3. Beach Band: Sometimes okay, but ruined some reflective moments at the Beach Bar with songs like a Spanish cover of Tutti Frutti.
4. Sunburn: Won't go into details (That mistress sun, can be such a wicked temptress)
5. Wrist Band: Made me feel like I was at a water slide. Come on people, invent the all-inclusive micro-chip already.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

What Marsha got cornrows???? You are kidding me? We need an intervention.

9:55 am  
Blogger Michael5000 said...


I'm glad you had a good time and all, but... why did you feel you had to specify that the animals at the magic show were involved "in a magic way, not a kinky way?" What kind of fucked up magic shows do you usually go to?

Emho: field observations of Mrs. Chuckdaddy in her workplace have revealed no cornrows. Which is a damn shame, imho, Emho.

10:49 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah nuts! The thought of Mrs. Chuckdaddy sporting cornrows really made my week.

Chuckdaddy did you lie to us?

10:45 am  
Blogger Michael5000 said...

michael5000 -- "Hey, I hear you got cornrows."

Mrs. Chuckdaddy -- "What? Shit, has C- been lying on his blog? I would NEVER, EVER, EVER do that."

michael5000 -- "Never, ever, ever?"

Mrs. Chuckdaddy -- "Never, ever, ever. I, like, have issues about that."

1:44 pm  

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