In the South African country of Namibia, there has been a big problem with DIDs (driving into donkeys). It seems that the paved roads are a nice warm place to sleep, and drivers have been killed by smashing into these big asses at night. Recently, the president's guard died in a donkey-related-incident. Enter Russell
Hay, a British man in charge of Donkey Welfare. He is piloting a program in which volunteers attach reflective tags to Donkeys' ears. The new glowing donkeys will now be easier to avoid, saving both parties' lives. Hurray for glow-in-the-dark donkeys!!!
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Wow Glow in the Dark Donkeys. What will they think of next? I wanted to bring your attention to a cover story in the NYT on the whole diaperless baby trend that you wrote about previously. http://www.nytimes.com/2005/10/09/nyregion/09diapers.html?ex=1129003200&en=9c2d33faab50041b&ei=5070
Turns out one of my co-worker's cousin is behind all of this...wierd. I guess there's a meeting coming up on October 9th...I'm sure you are already signed up.
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